Posi­tion description

for the PatOrgCloud

Die deut­sche Version finden Sie hier: https://eitiecloud.de/positionsbeschreibung/patorg/  

PatOrg­Cloud – Model I – shared hardware-environment

PatOrg­Cloud – Modell I – antei­lig genutzte Hard­ware-Umge­bung
Ope­ra­tion of a PatOrg­Cloud solu­tion based on shared hard­ware. Cus­to­mers use part of the PatOrg­Cloud systems. The sepa­ra­tion of dif­fe­rent systems is done by logical sepa­ra­tion e.g. on network or vir­tua­li­sa­tion level. Cus­to­mer-dedi­ca­ted sepa­ra­tion of server hard­ware does not take place.
In addi­tion to the customer’s own virtual server solu­tion, indi­vi­dual or several pro­ducts and ser­vices of the central PatOrg­Cloud can be sup­ple­men­ted pro­por­tio­nally. Examp­les of these are:
• — Server and network hard­ware
• — Active Direc­tory ser­vices
• — Exch­ange ser­vices
• — SQL ser­vices
• — File ser­vices
• — Sync ser­vices
• — Multi-factor authen­ti­ca­tion (2fa / mfa)
• — Fire­wall and routing ser­vices
• — …
• — see service con­tract
• Defi­ni­tion of “high avai­la­bi­lity”:
• — All server systems run vir­tually and the­r­e­fore have no fixed hard­ware com­mit­ment. In the event of a hard­ware defect, the virtual server can be started on another hard­ware within a short time. The time requi­red for this depends on the size of the server, as moving the virtual machine to another hard­ware takes most of the time until reco­very.
• — Indi­vi­dual servers can (optio­nally, see con­tract) also be ope­ra­ted on an always-on hard­ware cluster. This means that several phy­si­cal devices are respon­si­ble for a virtual server at the same time. In most cases, a hard­ware defect does not mean a failure of the virtual server, but only a reduc­tion in system per­for­mance.
• In the case of shared resour­ces (often refer­red to as “shared system envi­ron­ments” by the licen­sor), many licen­sors (e.g. Micro­soft, Oracle, Citrix, VMware, Veeam, Cyren, Julia, Mail­store, etc.) insist on licen­sing models for service pro­vi­ders (CIS is a service pro­vi­der) that are spe­ci­fi­cally desi­gned for shared system envi­ron­ments. In these licence models, CIS will provide cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic PatOrg­Cloud solu­ti­ons with appro­priate licen­ces. These licen­ces are listed sepa­ra­tely. The licen­sing con­di­ti­ons of the licen­sor always apply.
• Storage and ope­ra­tion of the pro­duc­tive data in the access-pro­tec­ted, access-docu­men­ted high-secu­rity data centre in accordance with ISO 27001 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.
• Data storage of all systems:Produktive Ser­ver­sys­teme und Daten:
o In the high-secu­rity data centre
Housing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion ISO 27001
QM cer­ti­fi­ca­tion ISO 9001)
- Secu­rity: storage and ope­ra­tion in secon­dary data centre
o In the secured data centre, approx. 10km away
o DSGVO-com­pli­ant, with at least
Access control
Access control
All backups are pro­tec­ted against unaut­ho­ri­sed access.
- Backup: Offline and office storage
o Storage in a further fire com­part­ment
in a third-party data centre, all data and devices encrypted accor­ding to AES stan­dard
OR in a safe (S60P stan­dard), also encrypted accor­ding to the AES stan­dard.
The Cus­to­mer does not expect CIS to provide con­sul­tancy or support for the appli­ca­ti­ons ope­ra­ted unless these are expli­citly listed in the service agree­ment with the cor­re­spon­ding scope of main­ten­ance or support. CIS shall take care within the scope of its pos­si­bi­li­ties and com­pe­ten­ces, but reser­ves the right to call on the assis­tance of the soft­ware pro­vi­der or the software’s super­vi­sor if neces­sary. The Cus­to­mer shall ensure that an appro­priate main­ten­ance con­tract is in place with its appli­ca­ti­ons.
If a system fails, CIS shall react as quickly as pos­si­ble, at the latest within one working day, by res­to­ring the server environment.


Upgrade: Model II – Dedi­ca­ted hard­ware environment

Upgrade: Modell II – Dedi­zierte Sys­tem­um­ge­bung zur Miete
Based on “Model I” — but with the fol­lo­wing changes:
the virtual servers pro­vi­ded to the cus­to­mer are ope­ra­ted on dedi­ca­ted (only for the cus­to­mer) hard­ware systems. CIS takes care of the hard­ware and installs and main­ta­ins the server envi­ron­ment and the con­nec­tion to it on behalf of the cus­to­mer.
For all systems used by the cus­to­mer on dedi­ca­ted hard­ware, there is more freedom in the choice of licen­sing. This form of ope­ra­tion becomes neces­sary if a cus­to­mer wishes to bring in licen­ces that pro­hi­bit ope­ra­tion within shared system envi­ron­ments. The com­bi­na­tion of licen­sing models chosen in each case can be seen in the respec­tive service agree­ment. If a cus­to­mer brings in his own licen­ces, the PatOrg­Cloud team installs them as part of the ful­film­ent assis­tance. The respon­si­bi­lity for licen­sing remains with the cus­to­mer.
The choice of licen­sing models does not affect the con­trac­tual obli­ga­ti­ons (e.g. regar­ding func­tion­a­lity and main­ten­ance) of CIS. For example, it is the case that CIS con­siders itself respon­si­ble for Windows updates of server envi­ron­ments even if the licence used for this is owned by the cus­to­mer. Owner­ship the­r­e­fore does not affect the service rela­ti­onship.
If the cus­to­mer brings in server licen­ces, CIS is bound by licence limits on the part of the cus­to­mer. If, for example, further server capa­city is requi­red, CIS can only provide this if suf­fi­ci­ent licen­ces are available. CIS can and will approach the cus­to­mer in the event of growth of the ope­ra­ted envi­ron­ment or increase in requi­re­ments and request cor­re­spon­ding exten­si­ons or rene­wals for licen­ces. The parties are aware of the need to work tog­e­ther on this. This is because hard­ware pro­vi­sion is the respon­si­bi­lity of CIS, but soft­ware pro­vi­sion may be the respon­si­bi­lity of the cus­to­mer. The cus­to­mer shall provide all licen­ces and licence models brought in with the main­ten­ance con­tract desired or requi­red by him on his own respon­si­bi­lity. The respon­si­bi­lity for correct licen­sing of licen­ces brought in lies and remains with the cus­to­mer.
If service pro­vi­der rental models are obtai­ned via CIS, their correct appli­ca­tion shall be the respon­si­bi­lity of CIS.


Ope­ra­tion & Deploy­ment PatOrg­Cloud standard-configuration

Betrieb & Bereit­stel­lung PatOrg­Cloud stan­dar­di­sier
This posi­tion repres­ents the service part in addi­tion to the hosting model as a monthly fixed cost posi­tion. It con­ta­ins:
• — Set-up of your PatOrg­Cloud solu­tion com­mis­sio­ned from us.
• — Pro­vi­sion of your pro­gram­mes within your PatOrg­Cloud working envi­ron­ment before going live.
• — Pro­vi­sion of network drives and file storage (shared drives in your PatOrg­Cloud working envi­ron­ment with indi­vi­dual access rights).
• — Instal­la­tion of those pro­grams which are ope­ra­ted in your PatOrg­Cloud working envi­ron­ment in coope­ra­tion with you, your soft­ware sup­plier or the third party with whom you have con­cluded the soft­ware main­ten­ance con­tract. We call these pro­gram­mes “primary soft­ware”. Please note that you may incur costs on the part of third parties. These will not be borne by us.
• — Invol­vement of the key employees reques­ted and defined by the cus­to­mer with regard to setting up the indi­vi­dual PatOrg­Cloud and moving into it.
• — Che­cking of the new, finis­hed PatOrg­Cloud for com­ple­ten­ess with the inclu­sion of the key employees.
• As soon as the envi­ron­ment is used by you and/or your team, the fol­lo­wing addi­tio­nal ser­vices are included:
• — Main­ten­ance of the PatOrg­Cloud server envi­ron­ment and moni­to­ring of regular pro­ces­ses.
• — Main­ten­ance of the primary soft­ware (if neces­sary with the soft­ware sup­plier), this also includes moni­to­ring and, if neces­sary, car­ry­ing out soft­ware main­ten­ance work
• — Main­ten­ance of the ope­ra­ting system envi­ron­ment­Up­dates der Server- und Betriebs­sys­tem-Umge­bung
• Updates to the main­ten­ance of the tools ope­ra­ted free of charge as requi­red.
• Ongoing main­ten­ance and deve­lo­p­ment of the PatOrg­Cloud
• Ope­ra­tion of Micro­soft Active Direc­tory ser­vices for aut­ho­ri­sa­tion control and auto­ma­tion
• Ope­ra­tion and main­ten­ance of ter­mi­nal server gate­ways for access from mobile devices
• Ope­ra­tion of an inter­net surf proxy for secure inter­net access of servers in the PatOrg­Cloud
• Virus pro­tec­tion for all servers in the PatOrg­Cloud for employees and data
• Scrip­ting envi­ron­ment for indi­vi­dual auto­ma­tisms. This way you can decide to which employee the dif­fe­rent pro­gram­mes, prin­ters, data or other con­tents are made available.
• Auto­ma­tic backup for all content brought in
• Fire­wall-based three-layer secu­rity concept of the PatOrg­Cloud
• Shiel­ding of your data or network data flows via “vLAN
• If you do not choose the “Upgrade: Model II”, you have the fol­lo­wing rest­ric­tions:
• No project manage­ment (but rolling out the PatOrg­Cloud server solu­tion accor­ding to our, estab­lished and well working stan­dard).
• No appoint­ment at your pre­mi­ses. However, we will support you in moving into the PatOrg­Cloud by tele­phone and, if neces­sary, by remote main­ten­ance
• No net­wor­king of loca­ti­ons pos­si­ble (no WAN, no VPN)
• No moni­to­ring pos­si­ble to check cri­ti­cal ser­vices of resour­ces at the customer’s loca­tion (Inter­net, PCs, routers, scan­ners and other equip­ment).
• No on-site support when moving into the PatOrgCloud


Upgrade: Indi­vi­dua­li­sa­tion of the PatOrg­Cloud incl. migra­tion project

Upgrade: Indi­vi­dua­li­sie­rung der PatOrg­Cloud inkl. Migra­ti­ons­pro­jekt
If you want indi­vi­dual project manage­ment or already exis­ting data and pro­gram­mes are to be taken over by the PatOrg­Cloud project team, you will pro­ba­bly need this upgrade.
- Detailed project manage­ment taking into account all EDP con­tents, loca­ti­ons and part­ners.
- Inte­gra­tion of all listed loca­ti­ons into your PatOrg­Cloud, e.g. via VPN.
- On-site support at all cus­to­mer loca­ti­ons during the move into the PatOrg­Cloud incl. a time-opti­mi­sed migra­tion process to mini­mise down­time during the chan­geo­ver. We also support you in moving your exis­ting data and content to the PatOrg­Cloud.
When moving from your exis­ting server envi­ron­ment to PatOrg­Cloud, we will likely need support from your pro­gramme main­tai­ners or soft­ware con­sul­tants. You may incur costs inde­pen­dent of us in this process. These are not included in this position.


Sites with VPN-Access to PatOrgCloud

Stand­ort­ein­bin­dung mit VPN-Zugriffs­mög­lich­keit auf die PatOrgCloud

CIS uses the customer’s exis­ting con­nec­tion inclu­ding the customer’s exis­ting router fire­wall to estab­lish a con­nec­tion with the PatOrg­Cloud data centre. For this purpose, CIS only pro­vi­des the IPSec dial-in data. The dial-in via an IPsec-capable device is the respon­si­bi­lity of the cus­to­mer. This con­nec­tion can also be used, for example, to auto­mate prin­ters and devices, manage aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­ons or monitor the avai­la­bi­lity of hard­ware and services.


Upgrade: Access to PatOrg­Cloud per VPN inkl. router-hardware

Upgrade: Zugriff auf PatOrg­Cloud per VPN inkl. Router-Hardware

CIS uses the customer’s exis­ting con­nec­tion to set up a router fire­wall that con­nects the customer’s loca­tion directly to the PatOrg­Cloud data centre. This con­nec­tion can be used, for example, to auto­mate prin­ters and devices, to manage aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­ons or to monitor the avai­la­bi­lity of hard­ware and ser­vices. In order for this con­nec­tion to work tech­ni­cally, an inter­net con­nec­tion with “FIXED IP” must exist on the cus­to­mer side. If there is an Inter­net con­nec­tion with a chan­ging IP address, this can be changed at most pro­vi­ders (Inter­net service pro­vi­ders, ISP).


User-Account base (pro­vi­ding, manage­ment, docu­men­ta­tion, reporting)

Benut­zer­konto Basis­preis (Betrieb, Ver­wal­tung, Doku, Reporting)

regard­less of which ser­vices are used, each user account incurs expen­ses for ope­ra­tion, docu­men­ta­tion and report­ing. This ope­ra­ting expense is quan­ti­fied here. The dif­fe­rent types of such user accounts are descri­bed below. This item is man­da­tory for the fol­lo­wing user items.


Upgrade: Service-hotline for inqui­ries within PatOrgCloud-Cloud

Upgrade „Service-Hotline für PatOrg­Cloud“ je Benutzerkonto

CIS shall provide all employees of the cus­to­mer with a tele­phone hotline for EDP pro­blems and ques­ti­ons within the PatOrg­Cloud. The pro­ces­sing of orders repor­ted by the cus­to­mer or by auto­ma­tic moni­to­ring is recor­ded and charged per quarter hour or part thereof. If appli­ca­ble, available quotas or hotline flat rates are taken into account. If this item is sel­ec­ted, there is a “hotline flat rate”. All employees receive unli­mi­ted help from the PatOrg­Cloud cus­to­mer service. This also includes all main­ten­ance and updates of the server envi­ron­ment incl. the pro­gram­mes instal­led there.
Many primary appli­ca­ti­ons are carried out by a third party (e.g. soft­ware pro­vi­der). The tech­ni­cal support and per­so­nal moni­to­ring as well as the recording/documentation of these ses­si­ons is also included. We do not assume any lia­bi­lity for the cor­rect­ness of the actions of a third party, but we are con­ti­nuously available by tele­phone during the joint ses­si­ons. We are even happy to be in contact throug­hout (e.g. via remote ses­si­ons or by tele­phone).
This flat rate is not inten­ded for ques­ti­ons and pro­blems that arise within the hard­ware com­pon­ents located at the customer’s pre­mi­ses or within the customer’s network (LAN). Also excluded are assign­ments outside the office hours of PatOrg­Cloud, on weekends or holi­days at the loca­tion of CIS (Karlsruhe/Baden Württemberg).


Upgrade: Service-hotline for inqui­ries rela­ting to client-devices

Upgrade „Service-Hotline für Kunden-Hard­ware“ je Benutzerkonto

By optio­nally com­mis­sio­ning the “Service Hotline for Local Hard­ware”, flat rates and quotas are also taken into account for ques­ti­ons and pro­blems that arise within the hard­ware com­pon­ents located at the customer’s pre­mi­ses. CIS reser­ves the right to limit the pro­ces­sing time of such a service case to 2 hours. CIS will then stop work if neces­sary and submit an offer or proposal.


Virtual desktop on PatOrg­Cloud per user-account

Anmel­dung an Desk­tops der PatOrg­Cloud je Benutzerkonto

An Active Direc­tory-based login account. This regu­la­tes the access or login rights of user accounts to resour­ces of the PatOrg­Cloud. E.g. to which servers, pro­gram­mes, data, prints, mails, cont­acts or calen­dars employees are allowed to log in or e.g. whether the right exists to access the customer’s own PatOrg­Cloud via mobile devices. This item is con­di­tio­nal on the item “User account basic price”.
- Incl. central aut­ho­ri­sa­tion manage­ment
- Incl. set-up accor­ding to the customer’s wishes
Incl. test and start-up tog­e­ther with the employee con­cer­ned.
Depen­ding on the soft­ware used, licen­ces from third parties may be requi­red (e.g. Micro­soft or a pro­vi­der of your primary soft­ware). These are not included in this posi­tion.
User can­cel­la­ti­ons and com­mis­si­ons that are reported/cancelled/commissioned less than 5 days before the end of the month cannot be taken into account in the invoice as of the fol­lo­wing month. Because:
1. we have to imple­ment it, some­ti­mes we don’t get to it right away. We do not con­sider the com­mis­sio­ning of new users or the ter­mi­na­tion of exis­ting users as “ope­ra­tio­nally cri­ti­cal” but as a “change order”. This makes it less urgent than, for example, a hanging primary pro­gramme.
2. We owe the licen­sors — e.g. Veeam, VMware, Micro­soft, ProxMox — monthly reports. These reports must be created and checked at the end of the month. Ever­y­thing that is ordered after this date will only find its way into the reports in the fol­lo­wing month and thus into your invoice.


Account for cloud-ser­vices of the PatOrgCloud

Anmel­dung an Cloud-Diens­ten der PatOrgCloud

A login account managed or ope­ra­ted by PatOrg­Cloud to a cloud or portal service. This includes logins to large hypers­ca­ler clouds such as Micro­soft Azure, Micro­soft M365, Amazon Web Ser­vices (AWS), email or syn­chro­ni­sa­tion servers. The exact scope of ser­vices is descri­bed by the sel­ec­tion of the cloud service. This item con­di­ti­ons the item “User account base price”.


Upgrade 2FA: mobile Access secured by two-factor-authentication

Upgrade 2FA: Mobiler Zugriff mit 2 Faktor-Authen­ti­fi­zie­rung
When a user logs on to the ter­mi­nal server from outside the company network, he or she recei­ves a push con­fir­ma­tion on the cor­re­spon­ding smart­phone app before access. Only when this request has been con­firmed can the con­nec­tion to the ter­mi­nal server be estab­lished. Tech­ni­cal example:
1. factor:
o Server con­nec­tion set­tings
o User name and pass­word
2nd factor:
o Push noti­fi­ca­tion to an app within an appro­ved (e.g. mobile) ter­mi­nal device.
o The appr­oval of a mobile end device for the recep­tion of two-factor requests is done exclu­si­vely after written ins­truc­tion by the cus­to­mer and exclu­si­vely by the PatOrg­Cloud service team.



Pro­vi­sion and ope­ra­tion of virtual PatOrgCloud-terminalserver

Betrieb und Pflege PatOrg je Desk­top­ser­ver (Anzahl)
CIS ope­ra­tes the listed soft­ware on a Micro­soft ter­mi­nal server envi­ron­ment on behalf of the cus­to­mer. A valid main­ten­ance con­tract as well as usage rights of the cus­to­mer within a hosted envi­ron­ment are accepted and assumed by CIS. The listing shows those primary pro­grams which the cus­to­mer brings into the PatOrg­Cloud and which are subject to the service level agree­ments. Accor­ding to them the tech­ni­cal basis of the PatOrg­Cloud solu­tion is pri­ma­rily aligned. We assume that the majo­rity of the employees will use this primary soft­ware and the­r­e­fore provide suf­fi­ci­ent system resources.

If new soft­ware is requi­red at a later stage, CIS will check it for com­pa­ti­bi­lity and depen­den­cies before­hand. Before instal­la­tion, a com­pa­ti­bi­lity check with the PatOrg­Cloud solu­tion on the one hand and with other pro­gram­mes you use on the other hand is neces­sary. This may incur addi­tio­nal costs.
At the customer’s request, we also carry out pro­gramme updates or support a third party (e.g. your soft­ware main­ten­ance partner) with their main­ten­ance work.


Ope­ra­tion of addi­tio­nal primary appli­ca­tion (app­ly­ing SLAs)

Betrieb und Pflege wei­te­rer Primär-Soft­ware (Anzahl)
CIS ope­ra­tes the listed soft­ware on a Micro­soft ter­mi­nal server envi­ron­ment on behalf of the cus­to­mer. A valid main­ten­ance con­tract as well as usage rights of the cus­to­mer within a hosted envi­ron­ment are accepted and assumed by CIS. The listing shows those primary pro­grams which the cus­to­mer brings into the PatOrg­Cloud and which are subject to the service level agree­ments. Accor­ding to them the tech­ni­cal basis of the PatOrg­Cloud solu­tion is pri­ma­rily aligned. We assume that the majo­rity of the employees will use this primary soft­ware and the­r­e­fore provide suf­fi­ci­ent system resources.

If new soft­ware is requi­red at a later stage, CIS will check it for com­pa­ti­bi­lity and depen­den­cies before­hand. Before instal­la­tion, a com­pa­ti­bi­lity check with the PatOrg­Cloud solu­tion on the one hand and with other pro­gram­mes you use on the other hand is neces­sary. This may incur addi­tio­nal costs.
At the customer’s request, we also carry out pro­gramme updates or support a third party (e.g. your soft­ware main­ten­ance partner) with their main­ten­ance work.


Ope­ra­tion of addi­tio­nal secon­dary appli­ca­tion (without app­ly­ing SLAs)

Betrieb und Pflege einer Sekun­där-Soft­ware
CIS ope­ra­tes the listed soft­ware on a Micro­soft ter­mi­nal server envi­ron­ment on behalf of the cus­to­mer. A valid main­ten­ance con­tract as well as the customer’s rights of use within a hosted envi­ron­ment are accepted and assumed by CIS. The listing shows those secon­dary pro­grams which the cus­to­mer brings into the PatOrg­Cloud.
In con­trast to “primary soft­ware”, secon­dary soft­ware is not subject to our SLAs (Service Level Agree­ments). The­r­e­fore, you as a cus­to­mer have no special right to “fast response times”. We also main­tain “secon­dary soft­ware”, but only within the scope of tech­ni­cal neces­sity. In the case of errors, we will of course take care of them, but we do this as a secon­dary matter. The tech­ni­cal basis of your PatOrg­Cloud solu­tion is NOT aligned with the secon­dary soft­ware.
We the­r­e­fore recom­mend that you order any appli­ca­ti­ons that you need either “mission-cri­ti­cal” or for many “employees” or with “relia­ble per­for­mance” from us as “primary software”.


Pro­vi­sion and ope­ra­tion Micro­soft Office

Betrieb von Micro­soft Office

Pro­vi­sion of the pro­gramme group “Micro­soft Office” on a desktop of the PatOrg­Cloud. The cus­to­mer decides which parts of the Micro­soft Office suite are pro­vi­ded. Available, depen­ding on the version, are e.g.Microsoft Word
• Micro­soft Excel
• Micro­soft Outlook
• Micro­soft Power­Point
• Micro­soft Publisher
• Micro­soft Access


Pro­vi­sion and ope­ra­tion of virtual PatOrg-App-Server incl. database

Betrieb vir­tu­el­ler Ter­mi­nal­ser­ver inkl. PatOrg “Pro­duk­tion”
A ter­mi­nal server pro­vi­des Windows desk­tops for several users, i.e. it is the tech­ni­cal basis for the item “Login to desk­tops of PatOrg­Cloud”. Here it is irrele­vant on which ope­ra­ting system basis the server func­tions. This item con­ta­ins in par­ti­cu­lar
- Instal­la­tion and inte­gra­tion
- Instal­la­tion or support of the instal­la­tion of the desired soft­ware
- Micro­soft licen­sing if requi­red
- Vir­tua­li­sa­tion / high avai­la­bi­lity
- Moni­to­ring and main­ten­ance (inclu­ding Windows updates)
- Inte­gra­tion of the server into the exis­ting backup concept
- Moni­to­ring and main­ten­ance of user pro­files
- Backup of user pro­files and their documents



Pro­vi­sion and ope­ra­tion of virtual PatOrg-App-Server incl. database

Betrieb PatOrg-Anwen­dungs-Server und Daten­bank
Examp­les of such servers are
- Appli­ca­tion servers for running your primary soft­ware or data­ba­ses
- Web servers, e.g. for shop­ping portals
- Syn­chro­ni­sa­tion server for mobile data entry devices
Equip­ment of a dedi­ca­ted virtual server
- Ope­ra­ting system (e.g. Micro­soft Windows Server)
- Anti­Vi­rus
- Vir­tua­li­sa­tion for high avai­la­bi­lity
- Inte­gra­tion into the exis­ting backup concept
Depen­ding on the soft­ware used, licen­ces from third parties may be requi­red (e.g. Micro­soft or a pro­vi­der of your primary soft­ware). These are not included in this position.



Pro­vi­sion and ope­ra­tion of virtual Server for PatOrg “deve­lo­p­ment and test”

Betrieb vir­tu­el­ler Server für PatOrg­Cloud “Ent­wick­lung und Test”
A ter­mi­nal server pro­vi­des Windows desk­tops for several users, i.e. it is the tech­ni­cal basis for the item “Login to desk­tops of PatOrg­Cloud”. Here it is irrele­vant on which ope­ra­ting system basis the server func­tions. This item con­ta­ins in par­ti­cu­lar
- Instal­la­tion and inte­gra­tion
- Instal­la­tion or support of the instal­la­tion of the desired soft­ware
- Micro­soft licen­sing if requi­red
- Vir­tua­li­sa­tion / high avai­la­bi­lity
- Moni­to­ring and main­ten­ance (inclu­ding Windows updates)
- Inte­gra­tion of the server into the exis­ting backup concept
- Moni­to­ring and main­ten­ance of user pro­files
- Backup of user pro­files and their docu­ments
Examp­les of such servers are
- Appli­ca­tion servers for running your primary soft­ware or data­ba­ses
- Web servers, e.g. for shop­ping portals
- Syn­chro­ni­sa­tion server for mobile data entry devices
Equip­ment of a dedi­ca­ted virtual server
- Ope­ra­ting system (e.g. Micro­soft Windows Server)
- Anti­Vi­rus
- Vir­tua­li­sa­tion for high avai­la­bi­lity
- Inte­gra­tion into the exis­ting backup concept
Depen­ding on the soft­ware used, licen­ces from third parties may be requi­red (e.g. Micro­soft or a pro­vi­der of your primary soft­ware). These are not included in this position.


Pro­vi­sion and ope­ra­tion Micro­soft SQL-Standard

Betrieb und Bereit­stel­lung von Micro­soft SQL-Standard

Microsoft’s data­base solu­tion (Micro­soft SQL) is pro­vi­ded on request when cus­to­mer pro­gram­mes require such a data­base. Micro­soft SQL is “upper-layer-pro­to­col” and the­r­e­fore a Windows-based appli­ca­tion.
Thus, one GByte of vRAM for SQL always requi­res one GByte of vRAM for Windows Server.
Thus, a vCPU for SQL always requi­res a vCPU for Windows Server.
This is rele­vant for ope­ra­tion on the one hand and for licen­sing on the other.
Depen­ding on the soft­ware used, licen­ces from third parties are requi­red (e.g. Micro­soft or a pro­vi­der of your primary soft­ware). These are not included in this position.


pro­vi­ded per­for­mance: each GByte of vRAM

benö­tigte Leis­tung: je GByte vRAM
- More memory for exis­ting servers
- requi­res “Dedi­ca­ted virtual servers for your work, pro­gram­mes and data”.
Depen­ding on the soft­ware used, licen­ces from third parties may be requi­red (e.g. VMware, ProxMox or another server licen­sor). These are not included in this position.


pro­vi­ded per­for­mance: each vCPUs

benö­tigte Leis­tung: je vCPUs
- More com­pu­ting power for exis­ting servers
- requi­res “Dedi­ca­ted virtual servers for your work, pro­gram­mes and data”.
Depen­ding on the soft­ware used, licen­ces from third parties may be requi­red (e.g. Micro­soft, VMware Enter­prise or another server licen­sor). These are not included in this position.


Further Posi­ti­ons:

Only the PatOrg­Cloud-spe­ci­fic items are descri­bed on this page. The PatOrg­Cloud
is tech­ni­cally based on the eitie­Cloud. Further expl­ana­ti­ons and descrip­ti­ons can be found
here (only German version available): https://eitiecloud.de/positionsbeschreibung/